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applications in the Home Affairs queue

Since Leon Schreiber took over as South Africa’s new minister of home affairs, staff have managed to clear one-third of the backlog of 306,000 visa applications.

In a podcast interview with Moneyweb this week, Schrieber said a team had been working around the clock to clear the backlog: ‘We started out with over 306,000 applications and we’ve cracked 100,000 now.’ He said it was a key priority to get the backlog out of the way and ‘give ourselves breathing space to reform the way the system operates.’

In the meantime, Schreiber has extended the temporary concession for foreign nationals who are awaiting the outcome of visa, waiver and appeal applications.

🔗 Moneyweb


Closed book: Three-quarters of schools in South Africa do not have libraries

About 26% of South Africa’s 22,511 schools have libraries, according to data in the Education Facility Management System, published by the Department of Basic Education in July.

Government schools in the Eastern Cape are the worst off, with just 7% of schools having libraries. Only 9% of schools in Limpopo have libraries.

About 69% of schools in the Free State have libraries, the most in the country. Gauteng is the only other province in South Africa where more than two-thirds of the schools have libraries.

In 2013, the department of basic education committed to putting libraries in all government schools by 29 November 2023. The department missed this deadline. In 2024, almost 17,000 schools are still without these facilities.

Of the schools that do have designated library facilities, only 57% (3,312) are actually stocked with books.


Younger, bigger and GNU: Ramaphosa breaks records with coalition cabinet

When he announced his cabinet on 30 June, President Cyril Ramaphosa said that although he had hoped to reduce the number of portfolios it had not been possible as he wanted to include ‘all the parties’ in the Government of National Unity.

To do this, he has added new portfolios and new posts. The new government of 75 ministers and their deputies is the biggest since 2014, but only by three. There are now 11 parties represented in the newly formed coalition government.


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